Community Outreach Assessment and Support Team (COAST)

Referral Pathway

Non-Connect Care Users: Complete the referral form in the Alberta Referral Directory.

Connect Care Users: Use the Ambulatory Referral Order to the respective specialty in Connect Care.

Description of Service

Aims to meet the needs of people with developmental disabilities who have complex service needs. Offers a multidisciplinary care team that is enabling and enhancing the community’s capacity to provide effective and enriched supports to individuals with developmental disabilities. Areas that are targeted include: providing increased supports to service providers during times of crisis, developing preventative strategies to avoid the need for service providers to initiate a critical response, empowering service providers with the ability to maintain and implement high quality service provision.

For individuals who are eligible for services from Disability Services, pose a significant risk and/or are destructive to themselves, others or property.  They require intensive services and have, or have had, a history of one or more of the following diagnosis or life experiences:  A mental health disorder, Termination from services due to challenging behaviors, Specialized treatment for psychiatric and/or behavioral issues, Incarceration(s) or criminal justice involvement, Chronic substance abuse/dependency problems.

Hours / Contact Information

Phone: 587-735-8885 (intake)

Hours: M-F (8:15 am – 4:15 pm, by appointment only)


Patient Cost
