50-minute, solution-focused, single therapy session on a first-come, first-serve basis with a focus on exploring specific issues and possible solutions. Parent / Caregiver attendance is preferred to support the child / youth. Families can call ahead to determine wait times.
- Acuity: Mild to Moderate, Moderate to High, Severe/Complex
- Age Eligibility: 5-17 years
- Behaviour Eligibility: Addiction, Mental Health
- Type of Service: Self-referral, Walk-in
Referral Pathway
N/A; open to children and youth, aged 5-17, and their families looking for a walk-in service for an addiction and mental health concern
Description of Service
Hours / Contact Information
Hours and Phone: (varies for each location)
Northgate Centre in Edmonton: M-F (12:30-4pm), 780-342-2700
Rutherford Professional Centre in Edmonton; M-F (12:30-4pm), 780-342-6850
Centre of Hope Building in Leduc: W (12:30-4pm), 780-986-2660
St. Albert Provincial Building in St. Albert: W (12:30-4pm), 780-342-1410
Patient Cost